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2008-10-01 19:07:34
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Gods Little Haters




[snowwolfsa] Temp until Dead returns


[Angelic nightmares]




[Diiwica]/[de Morte]

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<img10*0:>1. All members(Besides the owners)will be deleted if they do not post multiple messages...and if we dont like them.

<img10*0:>2. If you want to join, just ask... We been having some problems with christians trying to force their thoughts on our wiki..and so we made a password.
About Joining, just send a message to either the owner, Admin, or Sheriff{s} and we'll gladly add you.

Thank you

<img10*0:> 4. If you see a member with a '*' next to their name, do not argue with them, they are basically Sheriffs.. and they will report you to me.

<img:>For all those who look down on Christianity, and the rest of those BIG religions. We here at 'Gods Little Haters,' see how the world uses these religions to force their influence on other people.

Here are some topics to help you along:

1. Religious wars - Almost every war is started over some stupid conflict with God or Allah.

2. Puritans - Why do these fuckers have to always try to scare us into their Religion? If people didn't convert, they press, drown, or burn them at the stake.

3. Our religions - Are our religions more reasonable?

4. History - The history of religions and the conflicts between them.

This is our Kindling for the fire..

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Now discuss!

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2008-10-31 [Diiwica]: It was the night i went to meggans Birthday party with Toddy, Jon and Meggan remember...

2008-10-31 [Raven Song]: You can have fun without drinking or drugs Kayla. Go see a movie, hang out with some friends, You know our son is fine, so take the time to enjoy yourself :P

2008-10-31 [Diiwica]: I did no drugs that night thank you >.>

2008-10-31 [Raven Song]: ....uh huh....

Technically I never said you did, I just said you can fun without them :D

2008-10-31 [Diiwica]: I know that... But hmm Halloween... I should scare the piss outta little kids

2008-10-31 [Raven Song]: Really? Doesn't that seem a bit cliche? Besides...what would you wear? and I guess as long as you have fun I can't protest

2008-10-31 [Diiwica]: What would I wear? Seriously? That was a LAMEEEEEE question considering all the costume things I've got for renfaire (though you've not seen the half of it ^.^) I have some things tucked away.

2008-10-31 [Raven Song]: Yeah you said you'd pull them out and show them to me but you never did >.>

2008-11-06 [dead~spirit]: (everyone click it)

2008-11-07 [snowwolfsa]: if you get a unable to connect page, click back in a few days, hes working out the kinks in the site...

2008-11-07 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME

2008-11-07 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: GET TO THE CHOPPA

2008-11-08 [The Voice of Difference]: NO MOTHER, YOU GOT SOAP IN MY EYES!

2008-11-08 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: El oh el. I read the first post on that and have to refrain from reading more around other people. They look at me oddly when I giggle to myself..

Ahh, that's funny.

2008-11-08 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Really, though; you should get to the chopper.

2008-11-08 [Diiwica]: wtmfh is with that shit?!?!?

2008-11-08 [Raven Song]: Who the fuck knows..

2008-11-09 [dead~spirit]: I couldnt stop laughing when I was reading it.

2008-11-09 [dead~spirit]: On another note, I have developed this theory that we exist for one purpose and that is to fuck. Yes, thats correct. We exist to fuck each other, and reproduce more generations to fuck after us. I was once asked by someone "is that all you think there is too life is sex?" I said yes... atleast I was honest.. I have had this odd thing happen to me after a very bad experience in a relationship, where I know bluntly tell women the truth about things, I dont suger coat it or anything. I have been a real ass hole, and for some reason they only like that more.. Im baffled. I was expecting a "fuck you", or a "uh yeaaah I got to go, we'll hang out again sometime.." but for some reason they laugh and find it attractive.

And now for something completely different!!!!

What is your biggest turn on during sex, and give a example.

2008-11-09 [snowwolfsa]: LMAO that site is fucking hilarious..

2008-11-09 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Somehow it doesn't surprise me you'd get those sort of responses from GLH denizens.

Yeah, that shit was fucking funny. You can quote that over and over. (Forgive the paraphrasing)

"Puts on his wizard hat and robes" "i told u not to message me"

"Is spent.. Throws rocks at cats."

"Nothing is more serious than a rhinoceros charging your ass."

omg, I couldn't stop laughing.. I'm sharing that with everyone in Accountability when I get back in the office.

The only part I didn't like, was, like the confirmed fat chick. After the laughing stops, that chick is still fat and demented. Not so funny..

2008-11-09 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: N'uh, uh. I'm totally good gaming that 'theory' of yours right here. I've given it some thought in the past and, frankly, it offends me.

I totally disagree with your 'theory.' It's an old one, and corresponds to a multitude of other wishful philosophies out there, like hedonism. Granted, our brains reward us for the act of propagation (Which, truth be told, offends me. Fuck you, Brain, I do what ah' want), but that very basis of your hypothesis is self defeating. If our only course in life were to 'fuck,' as you put it, we wouldn't have need for so many other facets of life. Now, you can translate it to a theory attributed to Darwin, revolving around the blind struggle for life. That's okay, but fucking itself is only a means to an end. Since we are creatures of finite life spans, a mental mechanism constructed to reward the beast for reproduction is a matter of course. If it wasn't fun, you wouldn't feel compelled to do it, and we'd have died out a long time ago. If this is what you're going for, then you need to give credit where it's due, and modify your theory.

Also, looking at it from any sort of religious stand point (Not just Christianity, any intelligent design theory would suffice) it leaves a gap at the end. What you're suggesting is one of two things: Either a heaven on earth, or easy access to heaven by 'doing the deed.' With the former, there are far too many problems/facets for us to be able to concentrate exclusively on fornication. Why is it I have to eat food? Why doesn't an orgasm last longer than the brief period it does? If this was our reward, my toy is broken, and I want my money back.

With the latter, your suggestion implies if you create children, you are guaranteeing yourself a place in heaven. A 'purpose' like that would imply fulfillment of the 'Access to Heaven' contract on your end. I'd say by a very, very large margin, the majority of the population has fucked or will fuck in the future, so pretty much everybody but those individuals who are robbed of their lives beforehand go to Heaven. What are the penalties imposed on one who fucks that also robs another of the chance to do so? Is there a chance at redemption? If there is, then there's a conflict. If there isn't, then your Creator is an idiot.

This said, you obviously introduced it as a secular theory. Since it's too weak to stand alone as introduced, then it's just a tag-on to any of a thousand variations of evolution. Congratulations, all it proves is that you're not religious. I'm glad we cleared that up.

I'd also like to point out the fact that some people are broken and unable to replicate, even though they can still fuck and enjoy it. So if that's okay, then you're implying the mental attributes of sexual activity are the reason to live. If that's the case, well, you can get arguably better pleasure from a lot of drugs out there, and certainly a lot longer lasting effects. I suggest you do as I've told you to do in the past and start quaffing the 'X', rocketing the heroin, snortin' the coke, whatever whenever, Man. Is it cheating? Not if pleasure is what you're looking for. Let's see you take that plunge.

What I'm saying is that it's obviously just a device in your brain saying "Good dog," and giving you a pat on the head. If a person is willing to accept being reduced to such a lowly status, I may be willing to purchase them. Don't worry, I'll take good care of all your needs so long as you obey me explicitly and go to the kennel when I say 'get in the fucking cage.'

2008-11-09 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Now I'm going to talk from less of a logical perspective, and more of an emotional one.

The reason they accept your theory is because they want to. It makes everything a lot easier to swallow if it's that simple. "Fuck? Shit yeah, I like to do that!" It's a predictable response, it's pathetic, and it is weak.

The reason it offends me is because it's too simplistic, and I'm too proud. I'll admit I won't give it a fair chance. Fuck (Pardon the pun) giving something like that a fair chance. I refuse to believe that's all there is too life. It gives me a cold sort of satisfaction to think we have to struggle to achieve anything, and I won't let you have the satisfaction of that 'theory' if I can't have it. I choose struggle. GG

Also, I have a fetish for Wizard robes.

2008-11-09 [Diiwica]: rawr. lifes reasons are: sex. war and um glutony... :)

2008-11-10 [dead~spirit]: You know you could have put your view in one small 5 senetcne paragraph and saved us all the essay. And I still disagree with you Tarkis, your view points are too skeptical, and point out no real reason to life, alls you have to really say is my view points are wrong, but i see no answer to the real question at heand then and that is, what is lifes reason then? I still say it is to fuck.

2008-11-10 [snowwolfsa]: "rawr. lifes reasons are: sex. war and um glutony... :)"

there is a lot more to life then sex. While necessary for the creation of life. it is not need for one to live their life. I myself have not had sex in over a year. while i joke with my friends about it, i really do not care. its actualy quite refreshing not haveing to worry "am i gonna fuck a childs life up by bringing it into this world when i cannot support it" or on the relatonship side of it "am i good enuff" "is she thinking about someone else" blah blah blah...

war is not a neccessety of life either, its a choice. you do not need war to live. Humans CHOOSE to fight with each other, Humans CHOOSE to kill each other of stupid reasons. it is all choice, just like your chooseing to leave your child with the father while you go to the front lines. not saying your completely wrong in it, i just don't understand it, and feel bad for the is about choices, and war is a choice, not a reason to live.

lets make sure you understand what gluttony is..gluttony is being obssessed with food, and not careing about anything other then food. no other aspect of life... just food, that is what gluttony is. and that would also be a choice, not a reason for living.

2008-11-10 [Diiwica]: josh ur wrong on the front lines thing. 68w is a medical mos... does nothing with the killing and on top of tht I doubt I'd see any time soon being I need to do schooling of a total (with bct) of 27 weeks then a min of 4 years of rotc.

2008-11-10 [snowwolfsa]: well then i apologise for that part of my statement, from what i read it sounded like you where going into a combat division.

2008-11-10 [dead~spirit]: Anyways back to what turns everyone on..

2008-11-10 [Mortified Penguin]: Me?

2008-11-10 [dead~spirit]: Yes you and everyone alse in this wiki..

2008-11-10 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: "Tarkis, your view points are too skeptical, and point out no real reason to life.."

Holy shit, Dude. That sentence sounds suspiciously like an appeal for guidance. Isn't it obvious? I DON'T KNOW what to believe. I can't combat you from the high ground. I fight in the mud. That's why I hunt people relentlessly to combat their beliefs. I'm a petty, philosophical vampire. I challenge everything and everyone desperately hoping to prove them right in the crucible of logic. Unfortunately, more often than not, I suck them dry and don't manage to satiate my appetite, or they ignore me and I still can't learn from them. The problem is that beliefs seem to be based on faith, something I lost a long time ago in a Creator. It's just another loop I've created for myself like we discussed years ago on the phone that long night.

Here's what I believe in lieu of belief itself, if that makes sense:
(Even when I prove myself a failure again and again)
Knowledge and strength despite your limitations

I believe in never giving into weakness or fear even when, especially when, you feel it most.
I believe in learning everything you possibly can despite your limitations.
I believe in experiencing everything I possibly can.
I believe in reckless pursuit.
I believe I will be able to die saying to myself: "Yeah, but you had to sweat to catch me."
I believe if the end calls for judgment, my lack of faith will be outweighed by my morals and the life I've led. If it doesn't, fuck you.
I also believe in strict adherence to a moral code, but I can't and won't give it to you.

I can't translate it exactly, but that's really all I have to offer you of myself.


I spent a damned hour typing out the crap I'm about to post. The following is just clutter, really. It won't help to convince you of anything, even if it shows your argument silly. You can see where our 'beliefs' clash from what I stated above. Yours takes a much narrower view of life, limiting experiences and implying violations of morals just to fuck. I also construe it as giving in to weakness.

What I'm saying is that this shit is long winded, but I've got time. Don't say I didn't warn you..

Do you remember a couple years ago when I had first started drinking and you'd had yet to do so? You once told me it was like giving into a weakness to get drunk, and I threw some weak ass argument at you I don't even remember. My point is this: Look at where you've gone from that day.

Just.. Listen to what you're saying for a moment. You're hearing what you want to hear. You can devote yourself to the pursuit of an emotion, but it's not why we exist! Ask yourself where your evidence is coming from? It's all just emotional backwash. Fuck away, but don't make yourself a slave to your emotions.

Fuck, Man; I feel like Yoda proclaiming against the Sith.

You know I look to debate, but it's more than that. What you're suggesting.. It's like living like an alcoholic.. You're asking to be owned.

Do yourself one favor. Justify it. Use me for my arguments. If you can keep an open, honest mind when you compare our arguments and still feel you could be right, then okay, but don't just shut crap out because you don't want to listen. You don't need to respond in a retarded chat, but give it some thought, and don't lie to yourself.

We could both do a lot of things differently.

I could shorten my posts and dismiss the entire BACKING of my argument to match the narrow-minded prerequisites of The Illogical. I could state a belief without any evidence like you hypocritically suggest I do. Are you not one of the many who are offended when Christianity attacks your beliefs without anything more than a moral sense of justification? Have I not heard you complain about that with my own ears? I STATED what was emotion, and I STATED what was logic. I won't compromise on the subject, because if I'm going to believe something, I'm going to make damn sure I can be proud and support it with conviction.

You could base your world view on more than the result of an empty sense of fulfillment and a twisted sense of reason. You've demonstrated the same belief system you've shown contempt for in the past. Your reply is the equivalent to sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting:"LAH LAH LAH."

Am I wrong to attack your 'belief' from the point of skepticism? That's the crucible every idea is borne through the fire of. Religions can't withstand that crucible, and that's why I support no religion, in all seriousness. They are weak. Your belief is like a religion without even the benefit of a higher power. It can't even fall back on true conviction. All it can proclaim is: "No, I don't wanna'." I think it childish.


Theory: "We exist to fuck each other, and reproduce more generations to fuck after us"


The theory proclaims no boundaries. There is no end to it. It's generally accepted even the universe has it's ends.

(Here's where I get sleepy and go to my dorm)

2008-11-10 [dead~spirit]: So you finally agree with me.

2008-11-10 [The Voice of Difference]: Did you even read that [dead~spirit]? He doesn't agree with you, what he was saying is if you think it is to fuck, give logical reasoning, not just an example of a weak-minded person giving into stimulus of what's natural and comfortable.

2008-11-10 [dead~spirit]: If you are calling me a weak minded person then I will be forced to laugh at your credability sir. Lets not forget he had no explanation of his own too life, so saying that, there could be no doubt about my hypothesis on the situation. Dont ever accuse me good sir of being weak minded, you would be seriously underestimating me. I would dance circles around your little world all day. If you really read that whopper of a paragraph he wrote you would realize it could be taken both ways..Thus I said "So you finally agree with me." YOU being Tarkis, because one so simple minded as your self could never understand the mind of Tarkis.

2008-11-10 [snowwolfsa]: I don't pay much attention to what voice says anymore dead.. he lost his creditability with me during our last argument. as for understanding tarkis's mind.. lol there are not many who do, hell we've been friends with him for years now and i still don't fully understand how he come up with half the shit he posts.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: I was speaking of the example you gave. Obviously your English skills are sub-par.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: I quote, "I have had this odd thing happen to me after a very bad experience in a relationship, where I know bluntly tell women the truth about things, I dont suger coat it or anything. I have been a real ass hole, and for some reason they only like that more.. Im baffled. I was expecting a "fuck you", or a "uh yeaaah I got to go, we'll hang out again sometime.." but for some reason they laugh and find it attractive."

This women who found you attractive is the example of the weak-minded person. Piss off and learn to read.

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: speaking from a woman's standpoint: a lot of women like that. it shows a man is assertive. perhaps you need to educate yourself about women. we don't act some things BUT sure as hell we know and enjoy it. you need to speak only that you know of not that of which you speculate.

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: Hence the phrase "Nice guys finish last" ...

2008-11-11 [Xorital]: not always I'm quite nice but far from finishing last

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: Wow ok, lets see where to begin, first. Voice, maybe you should learn to read as well, not once did dead say that a woman told him that sex is all there is to life. HE IS THE ONE SAYING IT. therefore your what you said about someone giveing into stimulus of what's natural and comfortable being weak-minded. can only be taken the way he took it. when you learn to understand what others are saying, maybe you yourself will not be miss-understood. so i say this in returning your own quote "piss off and learn to read"

as for you [Diiwica] to the oposite of what you said just because your one of the sick fucks who like a guy to be an asshole over being nice does not meen that is true for every woman... infact its just the opposite. 90% of the women i talk to prefer the nice guy, over the asertive asshole, and trust me, ive talken to ALOT of women about this subjuct online and offline trying to understand where i indeed fuck up relationships, and the simple fact is. i fall into the un-luckiness of dateing the 10% of women who are shallow and F'ing retarted. its kind of sad that u say tell someone to educated themselvs about somthing u, urself dont seem to understand. not all woman are like u, just cause you are a woman dosent neccessarily meen you understand them... and believe you me, if what you say is true...then i honistly am done with woman, relationship and friendship alike. because that in itself is just pathetic, that a woman would want a man who treats them like shit over a man whos nice and careing and actualy treats them like a equal. just because they like the "asetive-ness". kinda taken a step back from that whole equal rights stuff arnt ya?....

and raven, well your the only one who posted somthing that actualy makes fucking sence...good job, your right "nice guys do finish last"

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: Snowwolf, first off, thanks.. and then I see where you're coming from, honest I do, but while women say one thing they never follow through with it(Not no one fucking bitch at me) Every woman says they want a nice guy, but they never go for them.. that's because the nice guy will always be there.. while there is something about the asshole, I swear its a fucking chemical they set off by their attitude, which just drives women nuts, they know better, but they still do it. If this seems jumbled I'm sorry, My son is giving me hell and I'm tired.

[Xorital] good job.. you're lucky then.. hope it lasts for you.

[Diiwica], Kayla hun.. whats with that.. are you seriously going to say that you want to be with a jack ass?

2008-11-11 [Xorital]: thanks I hope it lasts as well :)

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: He was using the other person as an example. I'll stick with my 'piss off and learn to read.' I wasn't attacking anyone, I never meant that. The example I saw was that of the person reacting. Fucking a.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: lol of course your wernt voice... your a nice guy, you would never attack anyone *cough* when they are proveing you wrong *cough* you wanna know what ive noticed about you voice? you say one thing...then when its thrown back in your face you insult the person more and say its not what you ment at all.. lol learn to lose alittle buddy, life will be much happier with out all the stress of worrying "omg omg omg am i gonna lose an arguement today!!! oh no..people are gonna think im stupid, better change what i was saying QUICK!!!!!" besides when misunderstood, the mature thing to do would be " sorry u mis understood what i was saying, i did not meen you where weak minded..." but heres what wonderfull voice did "piss off and learn to read"

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: I hate it when people misunderstand black and white. I really couldn't care less.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: I hope that attitude changes, and you mature alittle soon. otherwise im afraid your arnt going far in life my friend.

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Don't you have to get to bed for school in the morning Voice?

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: It's not an attitude, thank you. You really should learn that my posts have no emotion, just meaning. I'm tired of arguing with you. I finished school about a year ago.

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: Going for your GED now?

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: No, I graduated.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: Early.

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: You do realize you could have just re-edited your first statement and added that early part right?

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: lol explain to me how a post can have no emotion?.. it is impossible for anyone to express something with out some sort of emotion. and you call that meaning? its nothing but idiotic non-sence, that is just plain offensive. like i said, you dont like loseing, so when that happens you switch to the "i never cared" "and thats not what i ment" bullshit.. just like the last argument.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: It's called interpretation. It's impossible to convey real emotions with just typed words.

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: The whole "piss off" seemed very emotional to me..

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: lol are you sure you have the right to call other weak-minded? dead or the so called example you mentioned, either or it seems kind of hypocritical to call someone weak-minded when you are that yourself. impossible to convey real emotions with just typed words... thats stupid your showing an emotion right now, if you truely didnt care, you would of stopped argueing a few posts ago, but you didnt, that my friend is conveying a emotion into what you type, because you do care enough to respond, completely negates what you just said.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: I like you guys, that why. Because you challenge me to think.

Okay, lets honestly put this out; a picture, can display emotion.

'This' can not. Nor can 'blah blah blah'. It's all the meaning you put behind it, the prerequisite definition you have.

'Piss off' to me, isn't offensive, it just means to me that someone wants to be left alone.

And you're right. I do care a little. Also, the editing and putting in the same posts doesn't have the same effect.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: And yes, I do call others weak-minded, if they can honestly like an asshole for wanting her like a piece of meat. It's like getting a girl drunk, because she won't fuck you otherwise.

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: A ha!!!! Right there, besides the fact you just admitted it, shows you have emotion!! You made it two seperate lines because you wanted the added effect which gives a sort of emotion to the sentence its self...

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: lol thank you for proveing me right. careing alittle, or careing alot is still an emotion. responding period puts emotion behind what you type.

if what you say is true than that applys for everthing not just txt, cause i could take a picture for a diffrent emotion that what it is. a angry pissed off face could either really be angry...or playing around, silly teenagers and their photo days psh! lol

and as for your meaning of "piss off" the universe dosent revolve around you im sorry to break that to you. "piss off" is a very offensive and rude way to say "please leave me alone".. we have to grow up some time voice. please learn to do that soon.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: You're right. I do put meaning behind my words. I never said I didn't. When did I say I didn't? Oh wait, I didn't, that's right... It's still changed through your interpretation.

I know this. I was hoping you took it offensively, it's how I was using it. You seem to still misunderstand me.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: you where hopeing we took it offensively? but yet you didnt attack anyone? wow... just epic fail there

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: Just because it's offensive, doesn't make it an attack.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: omg you idiot, ok here let me explain this to you, cause you dont seem to understand how this stuff works.

if someone takes something offensively that you DONT MEAN to be offensive then no its not an attack. but if you say somthing offensive that you KNOW is offensive, and HOPE for it to be offensive, then yes its an attack. sheesh, young people these days, dont learn anything in school.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: It's the internet, you shouldn't take anything seriously. Why do you think I don't mind arguing with you two? Because to me, [dead~spirit]s words are meaningless. Because they're an asshole who thinks that fucking is the meaning to his life. Which is sad really.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: lol sorry wrong person. i know you where searching for an insult there... but i wasnt the one who said or believes that lol. get your facts strait

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: Better?

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: ..yea that was me, get it that asshole..

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: now you see, that was the mature thing to do... instead of saying "piss off, your an asshole anyways" or somthing like that you said "shit, my bad" not the best choice of words but much more friendly then your previous use towards a misunderstanding, and as such its cool as long as you realize im not that person lol

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: Yeah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken you for him.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: But the point remains.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: but that wasnt the point of this arguement lol, he never once denied he was an asshole. but its ok, im growing tired of argueing so we will leave this at that, its 3 am, and i cant think right now, if you wanna pick this up again tomamrow im more then willing, i just need some coffee and a donut (fat persons need their food to replenish brain power)

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: It's, I like you guys, but that doesn't mean I'm always going to agree. And from what I read, it didn't seem like Dead understood it. We don't have to continue, arguing over the internet is pointless.

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: unless your an asshole, then you would say "well you see voice, I wouldn't expect you to understand my concept on sex this early in your see son when a man meets a women and they are attracted to each other, they do this activity called sex, it where the man...inserts his penis...into her vagina...its..dont give me that blank stare damnit, im telling you this is a real thing...look go you tube it or something, im telling you it's real..

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: See, that would be a dick move though. And if I was a virgin, I could say, "I know what sex is, I don't need your lessons, because obviously you fucked up."

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: lmao dead that's great, anyways, arguing over the internet is not pointless in fact its quite the opposite. its very purposeful it keeps you on your toes, keeps your mind sharp and works out your argumentative skills. debating is something that happens in life, wrong or right, the better you are at it, the more less likely you are to lose respect even if you are wrong. i meen take the presidential debate (if your american) while i supported McCain, he didnt do to hot in the debates, he didnt seem to be a very good speaker. which is why i think obama won... smooth talker kind of thing

2008-11-11 [dead~spirit]: no no, not dick..asshole..get it right..unless your saying physically then yes, sex would require the dick to move before climax.

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: I can agree with that. But in terms of the now, this argument is pointless, with the exception of honing skills to argue.

No, It's a Dick move. And I was suggesting I wasn't.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: anyways, like i said, 3am, brain dieing... im gonna go have some "snowwolfsa alone time" ....

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: I'm thinking about it too.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: by "snowwolfsa alone time" i really meen eat a sandwhich and go to bed....masturbation isnt fun anymore lol

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: A sandwich does sound good. Ramen is better.

And I know what you meant, you did say you were hungry.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: ramen involves going with easy right now

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: Only three minutes of boiled water? Man, you're lazier than a... I don't even think it gets lazier than that.

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: yea well never said i wasnt lazy...

2008-11-11 [The Voice of Difference]: True.

2008-11-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Bingo, Voice. His first post hit pretty close, and I agree with the interpretation of emotion jazz.

You guys remind of me of black and orange ants grappling to the death. That got pretty personal, and I am sorry it happened. As usual, you got gang beat pretty bad after jumping in the cross hairs, [The Voice of Difference].Even with them tripping your ass up, though, you made a case, and everybody is still alive. Maybe we are better for it, I don't know..
 Now I could be mistaken, but I think Snowy's original statement aligned with your own, Voice.[dead~spirit], [snowwolfsa] and I are fairly close, though. Loyalty is an attribute valued on all ends to some degree, so whether or not there's a disagreement between us, outsiders occasionally lose a finger.

The whole morals versus friendship thing is something I'm still working on my end. [snowwolfsa] seems to have his set up, though. By the way, what you said semi-joking about understanding has always semi-jokingly been an issue, Snowwolf, and I think you know it from the distance I've kept in the past. Often we reach a point where there is no understanding, and I guess that's where taking it on faith comes in. It's funny how friendships are supposed to be so much simpler than sexual relationships, but I think it just easier to let things go with friends. I have a lot of bones to pick that I never have any intention of picking. That very fact prevents some bonds from forming, unfortunately..

As far as [dead~spirit]'s response to my post goes, I think there's some confusion as Voice suggests, or something else. I can explain my own views, if not clearly (If it was crystal, I wouldn't be unsatisfied), then clearly enough, but I think doing so is missing the point. Regardless, we do as we always do and ignore this more recent Cold War once begun. Here's where I concede The Argument if never, ever The Point. It won't be long before you find it a wanting philosophy. Consequences and logic be damned, though; Do as you will.

I'll tell you one thing: it sure as hell sounds like a lot of fun at the bar scene. I hope that's your motto come Christmas. We get drunk, you help me get my fights, I help you get your fucks. GG.

2008-11-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: On a side note, Emmanuel the bisexual Ghanian Graphic Designer hopes I'm fine, and I gotta' say.. Other than the four DUI's MXS Squadron has gotten and losing our Holiday to sit in Hangar number 2 in our full service dress uniforms at 6:00 AM, I'm just fucking peachy.

Letter number: 75227213
From: [rootrot]
To: [Tarkis Nethermoon]
Sent mail 2008-11-11 12:40:47

hello, i hope you are fine. im emmanuel from ghana and im a graphic designer and i was wondering if we could be very good pals. i hope to hear from you very soon.

Very good pals, indeed. You could learn a lot from Emmanuel, [Diiwica], or, as I affectionately refer to him, Manny.

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: I don't need to learn any sort of dispassion from any one. I'm quite content this way.

And i do know what I'm talking about, The nice guy always finish last, WHY?: that's simple enough. Nice guys are boring, there's not a lot that goes on there, Sure they spoil you and its all nice, but step back and take a good look at it. The girls complain, we all do it, about how "horrid it is with the guy" we brake up with the guy, and odds are in a months or few years time we get back this that "horrible asshole." Being with the asshole is quite well, thrilling, and more of a fight. It takes more to work though that relationship, there's always something to do, and always something to find wrong. If you're with a nice guy, things get old, and there's never anything to work with. He lets you generally smack him around like a little bitch that is in heat. Don't believe me? That's fine. But trust me, that's generally how it works, when the girl has had her share of fun and trials in the world then they go for the "nice guy".

Its proven scientifically, that attraction to the perfected sex has something to do chemically. Its all determined in the first kiss and and in their reactions. We are quite well like animals. Almost exact when it comes to sexual matters. All in the chemicals, and well, the "assholes" tend to have more of a chemical output that attracts the girls.

2008-11-11 [Mortified Penguin]: Hey, you ugly whore. *smacks [Diiwica] around*... we should hook up sometime.

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: *smacks back* hey mortified cunt stain, Not likely to happen but If i were single maybe

2008-11-11 [snowwolfsa]: my statement to you in your message to me in instant message stands... id rather not retype it thank you...

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: *smiles I will sum it up* I need to grow up, my statement. "No worries I'm only 19 I've got plenty of time to do such things."
Pretty much that in a nutshell

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: Kayla... we needed to grow up a long time ago.

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: I've plenty of time to do that. I'm 19, when I have out son I act as I should, else wise I need to enjoy what little bit of freedom to be a total irresponsible person as I can. Once I go to BCT, its all strait laced like I was a while back, and honestly, I wanna cut loose before hand.

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: Do you want me to keep our son longer so you can just do what you want before Basic? You're right you what?

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: No i don't need you to keep him longer, Just the weeks you have him I lay back a bit and relax. :) When he's here I act like the mother I am supposed to be and take care of things. :)

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: You act like the mother I've always wanted for my children. :)

When hes not here I still worry my ass off, go to school, go to work, make sure there's enough money for you and him. Relaxing seems like there is never enough time for :(

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: There is you just gotta make it. I have to use my phone to plan like ever minute of the day. (Seriously)

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: Yeah? I don't have a luxury like that, I just live moment by moment... gotta keep my head above the water ya know?.. I got the highest grade in school... for the first time in years I feel like I'm someone again, but at the same time I'm the biggest fucking failure in the galaxy. I gotta keep my nose to the grindstone so I keep a job.. and I have to be the best father I can be.

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: I don't have a job yet, just some inschool things of co-op... but I have a 99/7 in there because I missed one day

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: you mean 99.7%? ...if so that's great

And Yet is the key word...need any more online apps filled out?

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: No. the point is I stooped trying because odds are I'm done in January and then going to Montana for 11 weeks remember

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: So you're not going for your certificate..

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: No I am. I already passed that test.

2008-11-11 [Raven Song]: You have me so confused about this whole ordeal, You say you can graduate in Jan, but you'd have to take novanet classes, and you wouldn't get certified, and now you say you are?.. and this whole section you're going into, I wanted to talk to you about in person on Sunday but privacy is an issue.

2008-11-11 [Diiwica]: I was able to get my nurses assistant certification early because I worked with my teacher one on one with an (IEP) so that I can do it in an accelerated fashion. That way when I graduate i don't have to go the rest of the year.

2008-11-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: PRIVACY? AN ISSUE?


2008-11-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [YOU GOT ME SPINNIN] -Syleena Johnson
[(With) ALL YOUR LIES] - Soundgarden


[I DON KNOW] - Usher
[WHAT TO BELIEVE IN] - Daiko Kasho
[HEY OHHHH] - Red Hot Chili Peppers
[WITCHY WOMAN] - The Eagles
[WATCH YOU (Both) CRASH AND BURN] -Simple Plan

2008-11-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I AM


2008-11-12 [Raven Song]: I don't give a fuck about you Tarkis, it was more so an in person issue, With other people always jumping in the middle of a conversation.

This is the god damn internet, if I didn't want something repeated a million times over I wouldn't say it.

2008-11-12 [dead~spirit]: Damn Raven chill out, you seem so damn nosey about Diiwica's business. Shit loosen up son, your getting me on edge just reading all your questions, I feel like im sitting behind the dark glass at an iterogation of Diiwica.

Tarkis I believe I will be joining the Army here after all, i'll be damned if im going to sit around after i get my degree done, and wait for a job.. I got one more semester, and I will be heading out if all goes well, we need to start making some plans.

2008-11-12 [Diiwica]: I got my damn Nurses assistant certificate (easy as pie) but its so hard to get a serious job with it because people around here want someone who is the A typical age. most NA's are like 30 something, and clearly I don't fit that category. I'm done in January with all my standard schooling, and then sometime after that I'm going to basic. Then after that with any luck, to Tx, for PA (physicians assistant) training.

2008-11-12 [Raven Song]: So Nosey? we have a kid together dude, her life effects mine. Sorry Kayla. Didn't mean to be so nosey.

congratulations on getting the Certificate though.

2008-11-12 [Diiwica]: I did that a while ago. I'm working on my preEMT things now, and nearly done with that too

2008-11-12 [Raven Song]: I didn't even know you were going for that. Well I guess those accelerated classes are helping.

2008-11-12 [Diiwica]: Yeah. i was going for a lot of things, Hence the Health Occupations name of the class, it involves a lot of things remember its a two year class... but i'm only going to do half of it

2008-11-13 [Mortified Penguin]: Alright! I got mentioned! *high fives some random douche*... *eats ramen*...

2008-11-13 [The Voice of Difference]: I'm used to it.

2008-11-13 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I guess we'll see what we see when we see it, Dead. You joining the Military would mean the plan I set in motion all those years ago to chase you into the services just long enough to coincide with my own separation is working perfectly.. Now the real test: To chase [snowwolfsa] into the Marines. A LIFER THERE.

[Raven Song] Them there are fightin' words, Par'dner. Fortunately I'm a coward; the type that can hide behind the anonymity of a computer screen and take potshots at your personal life and past choices while disregarding my own insecurities and ignoring the fact that you just demonstrated how little I really affect other people's lives. THE BEST KIND YOU ASK ME

(On another note entirely..) So TELL me. Diiwica.. Whatcha' dooin'? Hmm? You got any, any, any Plans tonight.. ? Whatcha'-whatcha'.. Mmmmm, weaaaarin'.. ?

Mentioned? MENTIONED, [Mortified Penguin]? Are you fucking kidding me? You're all I ever think about, anymore. I can't get you out of my head, it's driving me CRAZY. BETWEEN YOU AND PRINCESS OF DARKNESS I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE I WILL HAVE YOU
Hahah, nah, I'm shittin' ya. See how you were mentioned last? Check again, you see it? Three words: Not An Accident.

Man I'm a hypocritical asshole. I say I promote conversation, and then I strangle it with posts like this.

2008-11-13 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [The Voice of Difference] I thought about just ignoring it, yesterday, but I won't. I'm not sure if he would want it, either. I'll leave you to make the decision for both of us.

[Mortified Penguin] You should be more assertive and post more often. The worst that can happen is you make an ass out of yourself. I've demonstrated that's no problem as long as you show enthusiasm while doing so.

2008-11-13 [Raven Song]: Fighting words..hmm.. Take your best shot. Go for it, I've got nothing to hide. The thing about the internet, is you can attempt to get someone angry, and the other person can A) Choose to ignore the ignorant asshole(You) and B) retaliate which is exactly what I'm going to guess you're going for. ;)

2008-11-13 [Diiwica]: Well to be honest tarkis, I'm in the middle of being a horrid influence. :) I'm good for that, I teach children who are not my own nasty little tricks that they can take back to their mommy's and daddy's that will make them cringe

2008-11-13 [Mortified Penguin]: Alright! Another mention! ...speaking of which, have you ever heard of a place called Bob's Diner? I must say... It's quite great.

2008-11-14 [The Voice of Difference]: The decision on what? And it's probably, "Do it."

2008-11-14 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: [Raven Song] Don't be silly. You are far too intimidating for me to actually confront.
The metaphor "It's like shooting a squirrel with a .50 Cal" certainly would not be appropriate. I'm sure I just randomly mentioned it.

That's horrible, [Diiwica]. Reminds me of a Dean Koontz novel, "The Face," where a gentleman who claims to work for the forces of Chaos does various dastardly deeds, such as soliciting narcotics to elementary and junior high children in exchange for nothing. (Just an idea, if you get bored. If you can't join them, make them join you.) Way to perpetuate the system. One has to admire somebody who takes the time to teach the younger generation.

Yeah, [Mortified Penguin]. I did a round of the majority of the GLH denizen's houses and visited that from your page. I thought it was pretty cool.

2008-11-14 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Crap. I got all the way back to my dorm before I realized that that wasn't a metaphor. Okay, The COMPARISON, I meant, Raven.

Also, I said somewhere up their I was strangling the Wiki. I meant stifling it. There. Not their.

2008-11-19 [dead~spirit]: Damnit Tarkis you killed the wiki, no one is talking made them all sad and I think they might have committed suicide. Well since it is just you and me left.. *i put on my wizard hat and robe.*

2008-11-19 [de Morte]: *tilts head, takes out camera, and snaps a few shots*

2008-11-19 [dead~spirit]: Yeaa.. she likes it..

2008-11-19 [de Morte]: Haha! Somehow its really easy to imagine you in a purple one...

2008-11-19 [Diiwica]: that or pretty baby girl pink

2008-11-20 [de Morte]: *shudders*

2008-11-20 [Mortified Penguin]: *I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. [de Morte] turns into a real beautiful woman.*

2008-11-20 [Diiwica]: I hate the color personally

2008-11-20 [Raven Song]: What about a bright Orange heh.

2008-11-20 [Diiwica]: wouldn't know a thing about it. remember can't see that color quite right

2008-11-20 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Awwwwww, Yeeaaaaah.. None of that skimpy wizard crap, either. I want the real thing, Babe. Fluffy purple robes, star-spattered conical cap and a bushy white 'stache. Mmmmmm.. 'Staaaache..

Yeah, It's one of my neat tricks. I make flowers wilt if I talk at them long enough. I once drove a Suicide Watch Advocate to just that by sharing my feelings. In fact, this Wiki should go back to a Ghost-town juuuust, as soon, as I, post this..

2008-11-20 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: That reminds me of my short tour with Wolf and you, I think, in 'Gaia' Online, or whatever. El oh el, ahh, suicide..

2008-11-20 [Angelic nightmares]: I'm here. Moved recently, and still adjusting. Now dealing with a cold on top of it

2008-11-20 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Capital.

2008-11-20 [dead~spirit]: WTF is Capital?

2008-11-21 [Angelic nightmares]: Its what I'm trying to figure out.

Glad to have you back dead.

2008-11-21 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I'm glad to have you back as well, [dead~spirit]

I am well to have you back as also, [Angelic nightmares]. I was worried about [Angelic nightmares]. [Angelic nightmares] was gone a very long time. I says to myself. I says: "Well, Mog; [Angelic nightmares] is probably going through a rough time in [Angelic nightmares]'s life right now. You just have to give [Angelic nightmares] some time.

2008-11-21 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: When I says "Capital," I'm referencing The Elder Scrolls 4 (I don't know my roman numerals): Oblivion.
The Gray Fox uses it as a positive reinforcement tool to make you feel good about yourself when you steal things from other people and give them to him. It's okay, though; he's really a great guy.


Me: Gray Fox, I brought you this [STOLEN ITEM].

Gray Fox: Capital!

2008-11-23 [snowwolfsa]:

“If it's not recorded or documented then it doesn't even seem worthwhile,” she said. “For today's generation it might seem, 'What's the point of doing it if everyone isn't going to see it?' ”

*sigh* teenagers are fucking stupid...

2008-11-23 [dead~spirit]: Damn, where the hell am I when people do this stuff, I would have loved to be one of the viewers.

2008-11-23 [The Voice of Difference]: It was originally a thread on /b/. I'll admit, I egged him on. What's really weird is in the article it says, "...he suffered from bipolar disorder, or manic depression,..." I want to know which. And, he should have just taken 3 Aleve.

2008-11-23 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: El oh el oh el oh el oh el, you've become wise in your old age, Snowy..

I have no opinion regarding the event.

2008-11-23 [Mortified Penguin]: Teenagers are stupid? My dear, you seem to be unfairly lumping us all together... I am actually quite the scholar. ...*eats ramen with his hands*...

2008-11-23 [Mortified Penguin]: And the suicidee in the article was only two years younger than you... that's not that big a difference, you know.

2008-11-24 [Diiwica]: The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not.

Think about it

2008-11-24 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Mah' low' mah' low', Dewey. I'm not used to that sort of pointed subtlety. Klondike bars to you.

That's TWO YEARS, Penguin. TWO YEARS.
Besides, didn't you know? There is a tier structure to these things. Life is like a video game, you see. At level twenty, you gain access to a new spell called "Illusion on Self." It's a permanent aura where you get to look back woefully on the childish naivete of your teen years from a position of lofty wisdom we call 'hindsight.'

People neglect to realize just how influential hindsight really is on their present mindset. Naivete is thinking you can do any better without having simply done better given the same exact tools as the person you're looking down on.

Now, here's a short list of other things people neglect:

Small, furry animals.
Brushing your teeth regularly.
Three-legged stools.

2008-11-24 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Crap. I offended Rootrot.

2008-11-24 [dead~spirit]: Capital! ^.^

2008-11-26 [snowwolfsa]: lol... i had a responce typed out and posted.. but im gonna edit it now.. and take it away, cause really, niether you voice, or you mortified are even worth it to start a argument with. voice lost his credit as a human being to me... from now on he will just be an "it" to me... one of the few people who could commit suicide and i wouldn't down them it for doing that...i dont believe anything is worth a human takeing their own life...but as i previously stated, i no longer see voice as a human...he lost that right from me with the shit that spills out of his mouth, and blantent disregard for any how anyone around him may feel.

mortified..fuck off...i really do hope you choke on your fucking ramen...

anyone who knows me, knows i dont wish death on anyone and meen it.... but you two.. have managed to do nothing but show me how much of a waste of space you are on this planet...

2008-11-26 [The Voice of Difference]: It's okay, snow, I don't like to consider myself human either. And I'm a girl.

2008-11-26 [snowwolfsa]: don't bother clarifying what you are... an "it" cant be a boy or a girl...

2008-11-26 [Diiwica]: Don't call yourself a girl it takes credit away from females...

2008-11-26 [Xorital]: I always figured you were male...Well...its not the first time I was wrong about that

2008-11-26 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Holycrap.

You are so very, very right, Spirit.

Why are you people HATED so much? What the fuck did I miss..

2008-11-26 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: My purpose is to bear children. 
So I had part of the 'Return of the Jedi' script where the Emporer is telling Luke Skywalker to "let the hate flow through him," I replaced all the instances of Luke's name with SNOWWOLFSA's, but instead of being funny, it just made it really obvious that I have nothing to do tonight. So I deleted it, then I edited this post.

I thought you should know.

Also, women have no credit to take away. They're completely subservient to the needs of their betters; males. I'm afraid we dominate pretty hard. I've pummeled more than my share of women who dared to challenge my dominance. Do you see? I beat them to death with my bare hands!

2008-11-26 [Xorital]: ....O.o

2008-11-26 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Not now, Xorital. Come back in a few minutes. I'm editing my posts to amuse myself.

2008-11-26 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: As inevitable as death itself, there will come a time when a female becomes President of the United States. I won't just assassinate her. When the time comes, I'll wait until the "State of the Union" speech is airing live, then I will proceed to teach women the world 'round a very important lesson. I will push her down, she will stand up indignantly, then I will push her down again and again until she stops standing up. I can do this because I'm bigger and stronger than her. Now, when she is thoroughly humiliated and stops standing up, I'll pull her to her feet and slap her with my open palms and say over and over: "Wutsa' matta' with you? Hmm? Wutsa' matta' with you?" until she stops breathing.

I do this to make the world a better place. I ask for your understanding.

2008-11-26 [Mortified Penguin]: Here here! *toasts*

2008-12-02 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: It's like when you're somewhere where there's a lot of background noise, and you're shouting to talk to somebody when all of the sudden the background noise stops and you're still shouting, then everybody turns and stares at you. That's where I'm at when people don't push my ridiculous posts towards the top of this page.

Only, instead of stopping, I just keep SHOUTING.

So why is it the majority of the females I know are attracted to songs about female homosexuality, like Katie Perry's "I Kissed A Girl" or Tatu's "All The Things She Said?" Is it because the ideal society promoted by television caters to the precedence of immature males, or is it because women are a bunch of homos?

And why is it whenever I initiate a personal conversation with somebody on Elftown whom I do not know in real life, they think my ultimate plan is to fuck them, be they man or woman? Is it because online human motivations of people my age revolve around that sort of thing, or is it because my ultimate plan really is to get in their pants?

Food for thought.

2008-12-02 [dead~spirit]: Or maybe your just weird and so they shew you away.

2008-12-02 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: The last guy I talked to made a point of mentioning he had a girlfriend.

2008-12-02 [de Morte]: You talk to weird people? Or are overly forward?

2008-12-03 [The Voice of Difference]: I think they are too shriveled socially to properly hold a conversation.

2008-12-03 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Moderation in all things, to quote a saying that may or may not have been attributed to Socrates..

Probably a combination of all four: I'm an overly forward weirdo who chooses to converse with other weirdos that are socially defunct. Thank you, I do appreciate not being left to hang.

As to your proposition, [dead~spirit], I think there's a chance all four of us might come out winners. We'll talk on XFire some time.. Assuming I gain leave, of course.That is pending on several different people's decisions. I've gotten the majority of the consents I need from my Supervisor, my NCOIC, my CMSgt First Sergeant, and my Commander. The only problem I foresee is getting the AMMO Chief's consent. I think he'd prefer to watch someone shove a burning skewer into my eye than let me go home for Christmas. I don't think it's personal, though.

2008-12-04 [The Voice of Difference]: I'm sure he needs the fodder.

2008-12-04 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Fodder good. I gave him my Blue Steel look, though. It's cool. Now I just need [Mortified Penguin] to buy my plane ticket.

Too bad we're not all wealthy wastrels. It would be interesting to see how everybody that visits this Wiki would interact in real life. Say, one of those things where everybody spends a night in the haunted house for a million dollar deals. And Scooby.

2008-12-04 [dead~spirit]: Some people might disappear..

2008-12-04 [Diiwica]: I'm going to vent here a little bit:

I'm pissed as all hell, and even crused for that matter. I spent all dat, retaking my ASVAB, doing the majority of my medical, working with the recruiter on my work out, ship out dates and family care plan and now I can't do it. Why you ask? BECAUSE I FUCKING HAVE DRY SKIN ON MY FUCKING ELBOYS AND KNEES THAT "COULD BE SARIASIS" or how ever you spell it. So now they are sending me to a mother fucking dermatologist, to "make sure its something that you can work with and not a harm." WHAT THE FUCK DID A LITTLE DRY SKIN DO TO ANYONE...

God damnit, I got a fucking 68 on my asvab the first time ad a 70 this time. thats 32 points above Michigans average. I can get any fucking job I want. I passed all the physical fitness things they wanted me to, and did better than most. I even fucking passed the criminal background check, drug check, alcahol, and pregnacy test. and am DQ'd because of my skin being dry... WHAT THE HELLLLLLLL?

2008-12-04 [Mortified Penguin]: I made a 94 when I took it... *eats ramen*...

2008-12-05 [dead~spirit]: So heard the best thing ever today, couldnt stop laughing.."When god gives you lemons, you find another god!!" lmao

2008-12-05 [dead~spirit]: On another note anyone who is serious about turning GLH into a business needs to messege me.

2008-12-05 [The Voice of Difference]: 98.

"When life gives you Lemons, throw them back at the bastard who promised you Oranges."

2008-12-05 [dead~spirit]: Epic Fail

2008-12-05 [The Voice of Difference]: Screw you dead, you don't know shit.

2008-12-05 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: 32.

2008-12-05 [dead~spirit]: LMAO

2008-12-06 [Diiwica]: Wow you barely made it in, no matter what branch you took it for. I got a 68 but I took the air force asvab. Most of the people who took it when I did failed. SO i feel a bit accomplished. Though I'd of perfered the 99 (which is max for the air force.)

ona better note, I get to see that dr soon.... so yeah

2008-12-07 [Fenier]: that is barly making it for the army thou i scord a 76

2008-12-07 [Diiwica]: Thats why I took that airforce one :)

2008-12-08 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: God. I was kidding, I didn't score a damned 32. More like a twenty three..

They didn't have a problem with my score; I'm in AMMO, after all. That's like EOD for retards. Red wire, blue wire, right? EL OH EL

The tedious portion of enlistment was getting an AIDS waiver. Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you would think the military has a problem with homosexuals, the way they jumped all over me about it. - And they were so immature about the whole Tuberculosis thing.. What a hassle, you know.. ?

2008-12-11 [snowwolfsa]: lol

2008-12-11 [dead~spirit]: If you could fight anyone, who would you fight and why?

2008-12-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]:
Did you know that was originally a book, Spirit? I didn't realize it until a coworker made an allusion to Marley or whatever the fuck her name is and started throwing quotes from the book at me. As if, you could sub - sist, off of food, for
t h o u g h t ! ! Cauf, cough.

As far as a literal interpretation of your question? Um, like, I'll let you know if we get into a few fights over leave and it goes well. If it doesn't, probably Calissa Flockhart.

2008-12-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: "Oh! Brian! Your fur is so soft! Ohhh... your ears! Your ears are like DOG ears! Ohhh - this COUCH! "

2008-12-11 [Diiwica]: Wow that was so gay

2008-12-11 [Mortified Penguin]: These clothes! *takes them off*

2008-12-11 [Raven Song]: That was a great episode of Family guy..

2008-12-11 [Diiwica]: actually, sad to admit, that episode of family guy was like my life before I pulled my head out of my tail end.

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